Company Profile
Infinity Oil & Gas, Inc. is an independent energy company engaged in the acquisition, development and exploration of large reserve, unconventional oil and gas properties.
Its two principals build on the combined experience of over 75 years in the business. Tim Brittan and Steve Reynolds, have generated successful exploration & development projects together for over 30 years.
Since its inception, Infinity has developed twenty-seven exploration projects. Each of these properties have ranged in size from 20,000 to over 300,000 acres. Infinity’s operating partners in these projects are the many Large to Mid-Cap Corporations ($100MM to $30B) who have enjoyed the tremendous benefits of Infinity’s exploration experience. Infinity has developed interest in over 1.3 million acres in the United States developing well over one trillion cubic feet of gas and 100 million barrels of oil on Infinity properties.
The Company’s current activity is as a principle in Indigena Capital partnering exclusively with Tribal Nations in the United States and First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples in Canada.
Indigena brings the necessary capital, expertise and experience to unlock the tremendous potential derived from the unique rights and resources of North American Indigenous Nations across agricultural, renewable energy, mineral, real estate and oil & gas sectors.
Our primary goal it to raise the standard of living in our partner communities and create significant sustainability while preserving the heritage of these great nations.